Don't miss the upcoming concerts by the String Orchestra and the Chamber, 风, and Percussion Ensembles this week.

The SPU String Orchestra, directed by Professor Christopher Hanson, and the 风 Ensemble, directed by Corey Jahlas, will perform in concert on Wednesday, 3月. 6, 7:30 p.m. in First Free Methodist Church, adjacent to campus. The concert is free and wheelchair accessible.

The 西雅图 Pacific University Percussion Ensemble presents its Winter Concert on Thursday, 3月. 7 . 7:30.m. in E.E. Bach Theater in McKinley Hall. The repertoire includes works by Joel Smales, 3月k Ford, Kyle H. 彼得斯, 伯爵孵化, Mitchel 彼得斯 and Jim Casella, and features solo performances by SPU students Spencer Long, James Loffink and Olivia Callen. Admission is free.

The Chamber Ensemble, featuring small group ensembles performing a wide variety of musical styles, will perform in concert on Wednesday, 3月. 13, 7:30 p.m. in Nickerson Studios, 340 West Nickerson Street. The concert is free and wheelchair accessible.

的3月. 6日和3月. 13 concerts will be livestreamed at LIVE! from SPU Music.

Posted: Monday, February 26, 2024